You wouldn't know
it from looking around my cluttered, untidy and cramped 3-bedroom house
that I used to be a very organised person. But in the last few years I
have well and truly fallen off the band wagon when it comes to
organisation.... so what went wrong?
Looking back, I think it was a combination of being a perfectionist, accumulating too much stuff and living with a not so inclined hubbie. Rather than motivating me, being a perfectionist can be completely counter-productive. If I can't make it perfect, then a task either never gets finished or never even gets started. It can be crippling. It can be all too hard. I then waste my time procrastinating and avoiding the risk of doing something that won't turn out perfect. I had also accumulated way too much stuff over the years and adding babies to the mix with all of their paraphernalia just tipped us over the edge into a life of clutter and chaos. I was holding onto way too many things just in case I needed them, which in most cases was never. I wasn’t enjoying living in my house and each time I walked into a cluttered room it was a constant reminder of my failure to keep it all in check. It was amazing how the clutter was getting me down. And to top it off, my hubbie was in no way inclined to be neat and tidy. He would occasionally grumble over my hoarding but apart from that there was no one else to keep me in check. Things had got out of hand.
Earlier this year, I discovered a blog (probably like how a lot of blogs are discovered) when a friend liked it and it came up on my Facebook news feed. It was the Organised Housewife. I soon became fascinated with organising and realised that there was a whole new world of information and inspiration out there in the form of blogs, websites and Facebook pages. It was just what I needed to get started. I was due to return to part-time work after 12 months maternity leave and I knew I was going to be busier than ever. I never got the "nesting" bug when I was pregnant but had learnt the hard way that as my family grew I would need to de-clutter, simplify, and get more organised to stay on top of things.
I am now in the middle of de-cluttering my home and am starting to really enjoy the results. Every time I walk into my kitchen, I enjoy looking at the clear surfaces and clean bench tops. I am making my bed every day (a first) and am amazed that such a small thing can help to motivate me to keep the rest of our bedroom tidy and I am no longer avoiding walking in there. I am becoming more efficient at getting jobs done around the house and have more time to do the things I want to do like cooking, reading and playing with my children.
Since I am currently in the middle of de-cluttering and organising my home, I thought I would start off by sharing my favourite 10 organising blogs.
Looking back, I think it was a combination of being a perfectionist, accumulating too much stuff and living with a not so inclined hubbie. Rather than motivating me, being a perfectionist can be completely counter-productive. If I can't make it perfect, then a task either never gets finished or never even gets started. It can be crippling. It can be all too hard. I then waste my time procrastinating and avoiding the risk of doing something that won't turn out perfect. I had also accumulated way too much stuff over the years and adding babies to the mix with all of their paraphernalia just tipped us over the edge into a life of clutter and chaos. I was holding onto way too many things just in case I needed them, which in most cases was never. I wasn’t enjoying living in my house and each time I walked into a cluttered room it was a constant reminder of my failure to keep it all in check. It was amazing how the clutter was getting me down. And to top it off, my hubbie was in no way inclined to be neat and tidy. He would occasionally grumble over my hoarding but apart from that there was no one else to keep me in check. Things had got out of hand.
Earlier this year, I discovered a blog (probably like how a lot of blogs are discovered) when a friend liked it and it came up on my Facebook news feed. It was the Organised Housewife. I soon became fascinated with organising and realised that there was a whole new world of information and inspiration out there in the form of blogs, websites and Facebook pages. It was just what I needed to get started. I was due to return to part-time work after 12 months maternity leave and I knew I was going to be busier than ever. I never got the "nesting" bug when I was pregnant but had learnt the hard way that as my family grew I would need to de-clutter, simplify, and get more organised to stay on top of things.
I am now in the middle of de-cluttering my home and am starting to really enjoy the results. Every time I walk into my kitchen, I enjoy looking at the clear surfaces and clean bench tops. I am making my bed every day (a first) and am amazed that such a small thing can help to motivate me to keep the rest of our bedroom tidy and I am no longer avoiding walking in there. I am becoming more efficient at getting jobs done around the house and have more time to do the things I want to do like cooking, reading and playing with my children.
Since I am currently in the middle of de-cluttering and organising my home, I thought I would start off by sharing my favourite 10 organising blogs.
- The Organised Housewife. Katrina is a mother of 3 living on the Gold Coast, QLD. She offers advice on de-cluttering, organising, meal planning and much more.
- Planning With Kids. Nicole is a mother of 5 and focuses on increasing family productivity through getting organised at home, meal planning and routines so busy families can spend more time on enjoying family life.
- Home Life Simplified. Deb is a mother of 2 who is a recovering perfectionist like me. She provides information on organising, time management and improving family life your way rather than just the right way.
- Beautifully Organised. Marissa is a mother of 2 living in Newcastle, NSW. She likes to make life easier for busy mums by sharing her ideas on how to be can be calm, organised and happy.
- A Life Less Frantic. Kelly is a mother of 1 who has finally figured out how to live a beautiful life, a happy life and a life less frantic through routines, organisation and finding balance.
- Organising to Make Life Easier. Jade is a mother of 3 who loves sharing her different home storage and organisation solutions that make her life easier.
- Clutter Rescue. Helen works with busy Mums to organise their space and time, helping them to bring balance to their lives.
- Utterly Organised: Business + Lifestyle + Events. Allison is new to blogging and runs a business specialising in lifestyle and business management helping restore organisation and calm, making time for the things that matter.
- Organised Home Challenges. A new blogger specialising in the 5 minute organisation challenge, clearing clutter and bringing clarity to home and mind.
- Organising: My Crazy Life. Tubbah is a mother of 4 and is on a debt slashing/decluttering mission to try and gain some control after recently becoming a SAHM.
Thanks Mel....x